Open data for Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency
Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (FTIA) supports development and maintenance for road, railway and waterway networks in Finland by offering its data openly and free for public use.

Principles for open data
Open data is an important factor in all development at FTIA. Open data and Open APIs are a key factor when renewing old and designing new information systems as the Law for Traffic Services in Finland (2017/320This is an external link) obligates. FTIA aims to open its data collections for public use in machine readable formats. Suomen Väylät -mapserviceThis is an external link is the centralt service for viewing and downloading FTIA's open data.
Public data can be published according to the principles of open knowledge. Before data is opened, FTIA confirms there are no legal obstacles for the publication.
Open data means, that the data can be used
- without usage restrictions, with terms for open licensing
- without cost
- through self-service electronic APIs or by file downloads
The FTIA's Open Data Usage Video has been released. The video introduces the FTIA's comprehensive open data mapping service, Suomen VäylätThis is an external link and demonstrates the utilization of open APIs with QGIS software. Link to the videoThis is an external link (In Finnish)
A description of the data content for open railway network data has been published (in Finnish):
New thematic maps available via Suomen Väylät -mapservice:
- Repair dept: is an external link
- Road traffic volumes: is an external link
The data of thematic maps are also availeble via open data (WMS/WFS services).
FTIA's old WMS/WFS services will be taken down after 31.1.2023. The old services will no longer be in use. Information about FTIA's new WMS/WFS services can be found on the Open API -page.
FTIA has published a QGIS-plugin, which enables search-features in terms of road- and streed adresses. More information regarding the plugin can be found via FTIA's GitHub. This is an external link